I’ve Suffered So You Don’t Have To
I’ve wasted so much time on fear, doubt, overanalyzing my ability to write. Asphyxiated by the hamster wheel that’s had me completely paralyzed.
Believing that in order to “earn” my success I had to struggle for it. I had to do it alone. That to ask for help was somehow “cheating.”
It wasn’t until I stumbled over an experience that I realized those beliefs were false-- and not just false-- they had me actively running a one-woman race to the bottom.
So you know what I did?
I had to confront those beliefs and ask myself if they were still serving me. Obviously, the answer was that they weren’t. Then I had to do something REALLY scary-- I had to figure out how to replace those false beliefs with true beliefs.
I say scary because when you don’t have the certainty of the path you’re on, you don’t know the outcome. And that’s terrifying.
Fortunately, I noticed that almost immediately as soon as I did something new, I got a new result. The result I wanted. In this case, I began working with other writers and consultants who were ahead of me in their business. Who could show me their process but also be there to support me when I wasn’t so sure I could do it.
The magnitude of that decision changed my life. It meant that I could finally move forward. I could finally see results from my efforts, and most importantly, it meant that I didn’t have to be alone during the hard stuff.
That’s the feeling I’d really like to give you if you’re struggling right now believing you have to do this alone. Believing that the only way you’re ever going to be a “legitimate” writer is by doing it yourself.
It’s a lie.
The opposite is true.