I came to a deep realization recently that’s rocked the world I’ve known for the past few years.
I came to a deep realization recently that's rocked the world I've known for the past few years.
I've identified (among other things) as a cozy mystery author. I fell into it initially because I knew it was a great genre to write in. However, I've struggled actually writing the books.
Finally, over this past weekend I came to terms with a very important distinction...
I spend all day, everyday reading non-fiction books and articles about business and marketing and self-help... all the topics that actually interest me.
I spend my days coaching women on how to stand up in their business and speak their truth.
And that led me to realize that what I truly want to write about... is my life.
I want to write about the struggles as an entrepreneur.
I want to write about life as a single mother.
I want to write about the crazy and kooky things that happen to all of us when we settle for less than we deserve.
I want to write about how I deal with the lessons I've learned from people who should have been there to support and protect me who instead were the cause of my heartache and pain (because we can all relate to that, right?)
I want to write in a smart-ass humorous way that reflects my personality and connects with others who get what I'm trying to say.
I want to say the things that no one else will say; the things that others are too afraid to say; the polarizing things that we all want to hear.
And most importantly, I want to empower other women to stand up for themselves in their lives and in their businesses.
Because THAT'S my zone of genius-- being the steel support for others to find their words, master their message and show up in their business as themselves....unapologetically fierce.
So that's what I'm going to do moving forward.
I'm using my experience as a copywriter and attraction marketing strategist to teach women how to find their voice and speak up without fear of judgement or backlash.
And I'm going to do it in my tough love style.
Because only the truly BAD ASS know that it takes consistent courage to stand up with her opinions in order to impact the world.
All of that is to say that my first book in the vein of this new style is coming out this month.
If you'd like a FREE copy, go to this link...
...and add your name and email address and you will be signed up to receive an advance copy and advance notice and discounts to all future book releases and courses.
AND you will receive dainty bits of steel-covered smart ass advice, wisdom and even humor on a regular basis to get you through your day, and remind you that you don't EVER have to put up with anything you don't want to do.
I would really love your support.
Hope to see you there!