How to Write 10,000 Words Per Day (Without Burnout)
I’m going to tell you how to write 10k words per day consistently without burning out, finger cramps, or muscle spasms.
First, you need to understand something.
I can give you the answer, but…
#1: It’s so simple you aren’t going to believe me;
#2: You won’t appreciate the system because it’s so easy, and;
#3: You won’t apply the system because it’s so easy.
You can imagine this frustrates me to try and help writers who only toss aside my advice and continue to hold on to the false belief that you can’t do it-- or worse-- that it can’t be done.
I’m telling you that it can. It’s being done. I do it every day.
And it’s more than any one element.
It’s a combination of many elements molded together and fashioned into a smooth system that’s super easy to follow and allows you to keep up this pace without burning out.
I’ve done exactly what you’ve already done… spent years googling searches on how to write 10,000 words per day because I wanted to find a faster way to publish books and finish my clients’ books much faster.
I’ve tried to follow other writer’s 10,000-word methods-- and while they may work for some-- I found that there were still some elements missing to take you from outline to polished product. It was that and/or they were too vague, leaving too many unanswered questions.
I’ve figured out a way to close the gap.
And now I’ve finally achieved the goal I’ve spent 19 years trying to solve.
And you know what’s even MORE satisfying?
The fact that most of these words will make it into the final draft.
That’s because of the way I put the system together.
It’s a system of bits and pieces of other systems redefined and organized into a streamlined process to ensure that you aren’t writing 8,000 words of nonsense that you’ll just have to delete later.
And of course you are welcome to drudge up the internet abyss to try and find pieces to create your own system. Have at it! I’ve already done the work, but be my guest!
So my point to all of this is to say….. DO WHAT I’M ABOUT TO TELL YOU!
Step 1: Develop an outline procedure that takes 30 minutes or less.
Step 2: Determine your word count for the project and divide it into chapters or Acts.
Step 3: Utilize a template that forces you to stay focused and write 1,000 words in 10 minutes.
Step 4: Take breaks in between each session.
Step 5: Finish 10,000 words in 2.5-3 hours.
Step 6: Push yourself away from your desk, stand up and beat your chest like Tarzan because YOU ARE A ROCKSTAR!