You know how you want to sit down and create content that causes children to weep and clients to pull out their wallets-- but all that comes out is a driveling mess of random thoughts and all your brain wants to do is give you 31 reasons why you should rescue the Baskin Robbins from frostbite like ASAP?
And you know how all those copywriting websites give you the same boring advice like “know your audience, agitate their pain, and blah, blah, blah but you don’t have any idea what they’re talking about because Ms. Schnectky gave you a D on your final English final because you MIGHT have implied that Shakespeare MIGHT have been stretching it a bit in the chauvinistic department when he toddled down his diatribe against women, more commonly referred to as The Taming of the Shrew?
And all you want to do is find a simple, easy way to inspire your audience into following you by creating content that will move mountains (or at least dollar bills) in your direction?
HERE'S THE SECRET: Clients don't want you to sell them. They want you to INTRIGUE their desire to be sold.
They want to unravel an enigma. To be delighted. Feel the pulsating friction as they shift their freshly shaven calves in anticipation of what you'll propose next. And find it thrilling to follow you, despite their own hesitations.
And that's precisely why you must know how to give them an intriguing experience whether that's creating sales page copy, Facebook posts, emails- whatever.
Which doesn't mean an "all about me" dinner followed by a quick whip-it-out, flop it on the table, WHAM! BAM! "Yeah, I'll call you-uh-sure..." sales page pitch.
You have to know their heart's desires in order to know how to give it to them.
And then you have to learn how to let THEM know YOU know what it feels like for them not to have it.
It's the difference between a surf and turf, sandy toes under a silk tablecloth candlelit table for two dinner, front row seat to dancing seagulls playing in the tide and... two for three dollar taquito night at the local Piggly Wiggly deli department.
In short, you can't expect to attract a STUD with the skills of a DUD.
Which is why it's my thrilling pleasure to introduce to you an experience so sensual.... so satisfying..... so unbelievably exciting that I have to pee just thinking about it--
My brand new instructional workshop, Sexy Sales Pages!!!!!!
It's a delectable training that teaches you how to be the seductress in your own business by creating sales pages that intrigue, entice and empower your audience to follow you.... I'm talking like-- you're the 80's hot sex pot on the hood of Whitesnake's car (and the iconic poster on the wall of every heart).
Think of it as a workshop for smart women who finally get to feature their brain's sex appeal instead of their asses.
In this six week training, you're going to submerse yourself in the fine art of seduction as it relates to sliding into your client's skin and giving them all the goosebumps, which includes:
*** Week 1: The Intimate Art of Attention- You'll learn how create a sales page that will whiplash their heads every time you saunter in a room (black dress, red lips) and have them clamoring just to hear what you'll say next.
*** Week 2: Making A Case For Seduction- No limp noodle has ever given anybody cause for climatic release and that includes people who have no clear, definable "line-in-the-sand" opinions. You'll learn how to not only have an opinion but stand up for it and stake it in the ground of your sales page to claim your online presence (and why they'll absolutely LOVE- and PAY- you for this)
*** Week 3: Pleasure Palace Positioning- Ever wonder how the great seductresses always get what they want? It's because they know how to position themselves against the perception of their audience. And then use that positioning vantage point to their advantage. In this case, you're going to do the same thing. Only you're going to learn how to gain massive pleasure by giving massive pleasure as it relates to your sales page.
***Week 4: Masquerade Masks and Moola: This is probably THE biggest piece to learn if you had to learn just one thing about how to create sales pages that sell. It's MASSIVE! HUGE! And it's the single greatest factor that will push your audience from teetering on the fence to full-blown client.
*** Week 5: Bullet Holes and Wonky Names: We're going to focus on how to make every section of your sales page sell and that includes creating a story for your audience to keep them reading all the way to the end. Popcorn and Milk Duds are optional.
***Week 6: Turning the Red Light ON: Polish it up and get it ready for the right suitors. We'll make sure there's no lipstick on its teeth and its bosoms are nice and pushed up high before we release it to the world.
And for a very limited time- May 25th at midnight, in fact (because the absence of things, make us desire them more), you'll get my bonus mini workshop:
They say the quiet, simplest answers are usually true. That's the case with this easy step-by-delicious step marketing plan I created to go above and beyond, serving my audience and giving value-first while watching the money follow. This technique is based in human psychology so it's always relevant and will never become outdated. A $997 value, yours free when you sign up today.
And a little hint: I use what I'm teaching you in Sexy Sales Pages to do it!
Sexy Sales Pages workshop costs $297, but until this Sunday, you can posses it for the introductory price of $97 if you go right now and enroll: