Moving into 2019 with a new epiphany on growing my business.
Moving into 2019 with a new epiphany on growing my business.
A business life that is in alignment with what feels at ease and in flow with who I am and how I want to show up.
And what I've realized through my own magnificent mentor and coach Pamela Dale (Thank you, Pamela!) and through building better habits to grow in my faith, is that I feel the most inspired and eager to show up when I can help people without worrying about how to "sell."
And I believe the answer to that is to GIVE.
Live in an abundance mindset.
Don't hold back on freely releasing my gifts to the world with the intention of helping as many people as possible.
Give what I have to offer without an expectation to receive in return.
And in return, those who need my help will not only see that I'm the subject matter expert in my field, but will gravitate toward me based on my skills and generosity.
We get back 100x what we give to the world.
For someone who has been guarded most of my life, protecting myself and keeping an arm's distance from people, I'm inspired for the first time to stand up, step forward and stand out.
I've just completed a mini writing course that I'm so proud of. It's something that is not being taught by mainstream copywriting courses. I feel like I've just bottled the secret to changing your financial life by improving your communication.
Anyway, I've decided I'm going to give it away for free in this new philosophy and mindset. I just finished creating it and am very excited about how many biz owners this is going to help.
I'm really proud of this because in the past I would have hovered over it, kept it as a secret, believing that if others knew my secrets to writing they wouldn't need me.
And I think a lot of us feel that way.
But that's not true.
There's always going to be people who don't have the time and desire to learn and do it themselves and need someone like me who specializes in it to do it for them.
It feels SO freeing to see life this way.
It feels SO good to know that the more I give my secrets away, the more I connect with people (long over due) and the more I actually DO affect change in improving their lives.
Because if just one technique I share and they implement causes their income to increase, I've actually contributed to changing their world.
A gateway to more vacations..
Time spent with their family..
No more panic about bills and the next paycheck.
This is certainly a better mindset than that scarcity mindset I've struggled with in the past.
I love that the secret to truly getting everything you want is to give away all that you have.
So excited for 2019.
I'm set to go to Funnel Hacking Live (my first time) and I feel a strong sense that stepping into this philosophy before I go is the foundation I need before experiencing this amazing event.
Life just keeps getting better.
And I can't wait to share what I have with others.
Moving into 2019 with a new epiphany on growing my business.