The New Chat GPT Has Content Creators Excited About Automating Content. This Assumption is A Big, Fat, Hairy Mistake. Here’s why…
You think it’s going to save you time creating content, right?
You’re excited that you get to “check the box” and phone it in from now on?
The problem is that you can set it and forget quality content. If you believe you can then you’re missing the entire point of creating quality content that attracts customers and clients.
Chat GPT might be a great starting point to get some words on the screen. I have always said you need clay in order to mold your message into something great. But this AI is missing the point entirely on the very purpose of content creation for humans.
Specifically, humans are emotional creatures. Ergo- generating emotionless content will do nothing to appeal to your audience to buy your shit.
What Chat GPT WILL do is create more white noise to be ignored by the collective populace.
Content that connects, transforms and compels isn’t generated by an emotionless entity.
The point of business is to connect and serve on a HUMAN level.
If humans make purchases based on emotion, then why would w relinquish creative control over to a robot with no capability for feelings?
To serve is to burn with passion and anticipation.
It is to tremble with anticipation that what you have learned could effect change in a person and cause a ripple effect to change the path of future generations.
The light we want to shine begins with the world begins with our ability to express vulnerability.
It absolutely positively comes down to character and beliefs.
Do you want to be a high performer? Or do you want to phone it in?
If the meaning of purpose and life is service to follow homosapiens then the gift of our talents would be offered in pristine condition to those we choose to help.
It matters where the intention and motivation of our message comes from
It matters that we connect with the soul the heartbeat, the pulse of other humans on a level that they can feel our love for their pain and pleasure.
And it matters tha twe consume the satisfaction of our efforts and that we produce the highest quality art and connection that we can with them.
It’s the difference between making a sale and having monuments erected in your name.
It’s the difference between saving the world and shitting on it.
Spending so much time trying to shortcut your message only serves to short change your people.
You’re feeding into the monotonous majority who cut corners, work hard to blend in and never get noticed. Building another wall for your audience to ignore and go around.
Disconnected in the pursuit of complacency.
You should never disassociate from your message.
You should never source out your soul.
The irritant here is not the matter of shortcutting, those who design and assemble meaning will never have to compete with mediocrity. It’s ignorant to assume that humans would be content to accept it.