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Mortgage Professionals Facebook Ad (Short Copy)

Mortgage professionals:


IF you stay up nights worrying about keeping your pipeline filled,

IF you’re a new or unestablished agent, but dedicated to buying leads, OR

IF you’re an established professional, maybe even a high producer and you’re looking to add five figures a month to your income within 90 days...this message is for you.




I respect your time and intelligence so I’m going to make this quick and I’m going to be upfront with you right now.


My name is Greg Corso and I’m in the business of increasing mortgage professionals’ income by five figures a month within 90 days.


I’ve been in sales and marketing for over two decades. For the past decade I’ve specialized in working with professionals like yourself.


I’m also married to a mortgage broker who’s been in the business for over 17 years now and is currently closing 8-10 loans per month on complete autopilot.




What I’ve learned from all those years of experience is this:


You don’t have the time or interest in marketing your business.


You’re too busy juggling between making the underwriter happy to get the file cleared, keeping the paperwork straight, and managing the processors, inspectors, appraisers, realtors and a thousand other moving parts to get the deal closed.


Not to mention that you’re praying that nothing bad happens like finding out the buyer lost his job the day before you were supposed to close which means the entire deal is off and you’re now scrambling to figure out how to live the next few months on a dwindling bank account, your last bag of frostbitten frozen chicken and a Costco-sized bag of white rice.


So let me ask you something, have you reached the point of refusing to accept less for your life than what you deserve yet?


Or are you content playing the guessing game of not knowing where and when you’re next commission check is coming from?


Hey, if you’re happy where you’re at then keep doing what you’re doing.


If feast or famine is your way of feeling like you’re making progress then far be it from me to tell you any different.


But there will come a time when your body will tire and you will no longer have the desire to keep running around chasing new leads.


My guess is that eventually you will want to retire. Will the way you’re doing things now get you there comfortably?




Wouldn’t it be much easier to set up a solid strategy?


I can imagine that from your perspective, every marketing plan and system you’ve invested in hasn’t worked consistently, so you probably decided a while back, to do it yourself.


Except that you’re not doing it. It’s not getting done.




I’d love to show you the blueprint we offer, which can bring your business to the next level!


Once you book a call, this is what’s going to happen:


We are going to chat a little and break the ice.

Then I’m going to ask you about what’s specifically going on in your business now, what’s not working and where you want to go.


From there, based on our conversation, if I think you could truly benefit from my program we’ll discuss the details of having me and my team setup a proven, lead generation funnel for you.


If I don’t think you need me, or if I can’t help you, then I will still work with you to come up with a strategy blueprint that will at least give you some clarity on the direction you may want to take your marketing.


Sound fair?