It’s Easy to Freak the Hell Out Right Now But There’s Actually Money All Around You (Here’s How to Get Some)
Last week I found myself in scary, uncharted territory. The kind that makes you question how sane you are (or if you ever were to begin with). The kind of terrifying panic that makes you second guess what you know about the world and the people in it.
I organized my entire house.
Top to bottom. Left to right. I was a freaking broom-riding Fabuloso Avenger in domesticated yoga pants. And you know what? It felt great. I stepped into feeling like the person I always wanted to be. The “ideal” me. That long, curly blonde in Tiffany blue rain boots, plaid scarf and toting my Starbucks cup concealing green tea as I coyly look down from the camera as I see so many photos of women on Pinterest.
It made me feel like I had my shitake together.
I marveled at needing a pandemic to challenge me to step into this part of myself. Okay, let’s be honest, I’ve had a lot more time lately to focus on projects I promised myself three years ago that I’d get around to completing which made it easier, but I could have just as easily lost myself down the Netflix rabbit hole.
Speaking of stepping into the “ideal” me, or for that matter, the “ideal” you- this pandemic is an opportunity to step into who you always wanted to be, too. To get what you’ve always wanted. To SERVE so many who feel scared, lost and hopeless about where they will find the cash to keep the lights on. NOW IS THE TIME TO STEP FORWARD AND LEAD.
There is no more time to procrastinate on getting your business off the ground.
There is no longer an option to treat it like a hobby.
You literally have a week- maybe two- to figure out how you can sell something to keep yourself and your family afloat.
Here’s the thing–
Rich people stay rich during recessions and economic collapses by understanding one very simple principle…
When the economy is down, THAT’S the time to buy, invest and build your business. That’s the time to push your chips all in and bet on yourself. That’s why they spend their lives positioning their portfolios to have money to invest at bargain basement prices during these times.
And there’s no reason why you can’t do the same.
The ONLY difference between you and them is that they BELIEVE they can do it and they TAKE CONSISTENT ACTION EVERY SINGLE DAY.
So if you’ve just found yourself confined to your home without any idea how you’re going to make money, I want to invite you to come with me this week. I’m going live each day on my Facebook profile to offer FREE advice on how you can create a business selling a service based on a skill set you already have.
What I will teach is a snapshot of my newest program, Emergency Ca$h Stash: Zero to $1,000 in 24 hours.
Sound unrealistic? Stay with me. I’m going to show you that it’s not only an option, but it’s always been available to you.
You’re home now so there’s really no reason not to tune in, right?
P.S.- Wanna learn more about Emergency Ca$h Stash? Find out here. We kick off April 2nd but registration is going on now and is limited. Only 29 seats left!