One of the things that surprised me most about Marine Corps boot camp was that we didn't actually PT that much. I think it was only Tuesdays and Thursdays.
I still lost 20 pounds while in there.
Because it was all the small things we were doing that added up daily.
Constantly on our feet moving all day long.
Drinking water.
Zero sugar.
Three small meals a day.
It was the little pieces spread out and accomplished throughout the day that yielded the overall results.
You may have heard I'm about to lose 100 lbs over the next 16 weeks. I've got a hysterectomy surgery with my name on it and I'm gonna dress like the bell of the ball! (Can you tell I'm super excited?)
So I thought what better way to show you beautiful beeches not only how to instantly take control of your mindset to make immediate physical changes in your life...
...but also to demonstrate how effective I am at getting results for you. Because then you're going to hire me as your coach to kick your ass into gear (I ain't cheap, but I can be had!)
I'm warning you now...it takes work.
Not rolling a boulder up a hill work. It's more like the small twinges of pain that come with keeping a commitment to yourself and showing up consistently kind of work- which as we all know can be twice as excruciating as being slowly roasted over a fire pit.
I digress...
For those of you who want to watch my journey, you can find the play-by-play on my Instagram stories: a.j._craftauthor
Just so you know, I'm a writer and copywriter, not a fitness trainer.
I will be writing and publishing a book about this journey in the future, but you'll get to watch it unfold now.
I'm also a success coach, so I do take clients but I don't go looking for them. The Universe (God) brings them to me when it's a good fit.
All I'm looking for is your support because that's going to be part of what makes this process successful (I'll explain how in more detail as we go)
So if you want to follow my journey, follow me on my Instagram a.j._craftauthor.
I begin today.
And what I'm about to show you about the power of the right information combined with the right mindset to get instant results with weight loss is going to blow your FREAKING mind!