Jumping OFF The Hamster Wheel Forever
Let me guess…
You’re trapped in a cycle of hamster wheel marketing?
Starting out strong, showing up at first, but then turning tail and running because you’re afraid of what people are going to say about you?
Which of course leads to you hiding out doing “activities” that have nothing to do with sales but is just enough to convince yourself that you’re “working.”
Meanwhile, you’ve stopped posting, stopped reaching out to people. and stopped showing up.
So essentially you crawl right back under the invisibility cloak you’ve had on stand-by.
And then you bounce onto something else- another shiny object that you think “this time” will get you leads and clients faster, but fizzles out because you stilll haven’t mastered consistency-- that elusive b*tch.
You jump to another shiny object that promises something else that eases your anxiety and allows you to procrastinate from interacting with people so you don’t have to chance hearing them tell you no.
Because you’re stuck like a stick of butter between a pair of fat bellies fighting against imposter syndrome and the fear of rejection.
Sound familiar?
Maybe you're introverted. Maybe not.
But fear prevents you from marketing in a healthy way.
Had you shown up consistently- whether or not anyone was watching and regardless of the comments you might have received-- you would have built momentum in your business and a whole lotta relationships in the process.
Here's why showing up is a statistical certainty that you will make more money--
Because whenever we take action, we create movement.
We create a forward-moving force. We affect people and circumstances in the environment around us.
Think of it as a bunch of balls next to each other with very little room to move.
If that one ball surrounded by the rest of the balls doesn't move, then every ball remains still. But if it begins to vibrate or move, it will create a ripple affecting all balls in its proximity.
And that creates momentum.
You don't exist entirely to yourself. The things that you do or don't do in your life influence your environment and the people around you.
That's why your presence (or absence) can affect your business.
Even if you don't think it can- it does.
So when you're talking about your business, you want to market it in a way that vibrates to get a response.
The way that you do that is to show up consistently.
You continue to show up even when you think nobody's watching.
Because what you don’t know is that people ARE watching.
You just may not know they are.
But they’re there- lurking.
They want what you have.
They want to be inspired.
They want solutions to their problems.
But if you’re not out there getting seen, you’re not helping them and you're sure as shit not helping yourself.
The weird crazy thing about this is it’s all so much simpler than we make it.
It's so much easier to make a difference in the lives of other people (and your own life, for that matter) than what we are making it.
We overthink it to death.
If we turned off the emotion part of our brain and just simply did the daily sales activities necessary to bring in money day after day, we’d see results.
We’d start seeing momentum build much faster than the way you're getting results now.