Your Content Sounds like a Preppy Bully Named Chad. “Chad” Deserves to be Throat Punched (A firm knife hand to the jugular oughta do it)
I can’t stand the weak, flimsy content that parades around online these days.
Zero creativity. Zero reason to sparkle about anything. Zero interest in capturing an audience’s attention and offering them a pleasurable experience, or shifting their perspective in a new, thought-provoking way.
I call him Chad. Chad has no interest in designing himself to be valuable to others. He’s only interested in bragging about himself.
Chad’s short life had nothing to do with merit, leading him to believe he was better than those around him.
Chad’s the 1980’s copy equivalent to the triple popped collar in Miami Vice pastels. He’s the Flock of Seagulls haircut. He’s the douchey coward who says what everyone else says instead of standing for something original. He likes to throw up some lame nonsense like it’s the newest, most interesting thing around and expects everyone to marvel at the steaming turd pile in the palm of his hand.
It’s the audacity of his arrogance in the midst of his ignorance that is really jaw dropping. He talks a lot yet says nothing interesting. Hoping instead that the quantity of his words will equate to quality in the eyes of his readers. Instead, he largely gets eyerolls and is ignored.
He’s a bozo and his message speaks to that point.
Chad isn’t impressing anyone. He isn’t “The Man.'' He's a flacid, entitled rookie who’d do better to run down the streets of New York City in his tighty whities slinging showtunes from the corner of his pie hole than ever convincing anyone that his content is worth reading. He’s a washed up, out of touch dick stick who should die a slow painful death.
Chad’s a turd.
And you’ve been hanging around with him lately. Allowing him to slop himself all over your platform like a boozed up chinchilla with a ballerina tutu on hoping to get attention relying on pure spectacle factor alone.
Meanwhile, he’s cringe-driving away all the babes.
Chad doesn’t understand that he’s boring, undesirable and lazy. He doesn’t realize nobody likes him.
And when nobody likes you, nobody pays attention to you.
Know who we DO love?
Ducky. We love Ducky. Know why?
Because he’s the opposite of Chad. He’s quirky, fun, lovable and interesting.
He lives to like you.
He surprises, delights, and tickles you in all the right places making you want to be around him. He makes you want to seek him out, see what he’s up to and hope that you get to spend more time with him.
See the difference?
One’s a dumb, drooling bore fest. And the other? A sizzling bundle of comedic joy.
When it comes to creating content, don’t rely on flimsy, impotent content and then expect it to backpack the heavy lifting for your business. Don’t be a Chad.
Instead, be a Ducky.