I've had several jobs in my life
Personal trainer
MarineMartial Arts School Instructor/Manager
Grant writer
And with each job, I had one problem...I hated that I was dependent on them for a paycheck. I hated the fact that accepting money from them meant I was obligated to say and do things that weren't entirely from my heart but were coerced around keeping my job.
You know how that feels, right?
Not being able to say what you really think to co-workers because you don't want to lose your job.
Not being able to give your two cents on a project that may conflict with your boss because you didn't want to "rock the boat."
I hated that.
I hated when I had ideas to improve the efficiency of the company or to improve systems, shared them and they fell flat.
It took me a while to realize they didn't want my input. They didn't care what I had to say about it because it wasn't my job to give ideas.
They hired me to do one thing, and I was stepping outside of that into another area.
It didn't matter if my ideas were good or bad, they didn't respect my opinion because I wasn't hired in that capacity.
They just wanted me to do the job I was hired to do.
So there was no opportunity for advancement.
No chance to jump out of the box I was in and onto a level playing ground.
No future.
Relying on an employer or one stream of income is a very bad idea. It puts you in a position to beg, compromise, and destroy your self-confidence.
Even if you enjoy working for someone else, you should still have other streams of passive income in your life.
Remember 2008?
I sure do. I was let go twice that year due to cutbacks. The second time was five days before Christmas.
As a single parent with a small child looking forward to Santa coming, you can imagine the devastation.
It was so painful that it became the turning point for me. It's where I finally stood up for myself and my financial future
I made a decision that day that I would NEVER rely on an employer for my sole income.
That's when I super-charged my mission to become self-employed.
And I'd love to say that I made a ton of money and wrap up a happily ever after but that's not what happened.
I spent years struggling and trying to learn everything I could online for free. I didn't have money for courses or coaches.
I didn't yet possess the understanding that my mindset wasn't where it needed to be.
And I had to combat family who constantly made me feel stupid for wanted to do something other than hold my hand out for a bi-weekly paycheck.
But like many of you, I knew in my soul that I was an entrepreneur.
And every day I didn't pursue that path, I was dying inside.
I have to tell you there's another side as well.
Once I got into the self-employed track and started making some money, I fell into another common mistake... I got fat and lazy.
I forgot some of my own rules and once I felt the comfort of financial stability, I allowed myself to stop prospecting.
Finding new customers and building your network is the only way to keep your pipeline full and stay within that financial stability zone.
Otherwise, you're constantly stressed about getting the rug pulled out from under you.
You become obligated to hold your tongue or suffer decisions you have no say in.
And it becomes similar to being employed again.
Keeping your options open is achieved by constantly expanding your list of customers and clients. It lowers your stress level and keeps you in control of your own business.
Even if you enjoy your job, putting other income streams in place can give you a safety net in case you are unceremoniously let go, unable to work due to disability, etc.
Don't lay your financial future in the hands of an employer who sees you as a commodity. Build your own income streams.
If you don't know how
Don't know the answers? Figure it out.
No one in this world is going to look out for you better than you can do for yourself.
Master Your Message,
AJ Craft
P.S.- Free access to my new course, "Copy To Ca$h: Add More Personality To Your Writing" ends this Sunday, 1/27 at 11:59 PM EST. (There's no catch. It's a new course and I'd simply like feedback on it.)
If you want lifetime access to it you'd better get it right now.
Great for copywriters, bloggers, and business owners who want to severely jazz up their copy and hijack your audience's attention. I PROMISE YOU WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED!
The price goes up to $99 next Monday.
PM me your email address and I'll get you set up!
P.S.S.- I'm offering 4 spots for my Stand Up. Step Forward. Stand Out. coaching mastermind.
It's a SIX WEEK, ONE-ON-ONE INTENSIVE where you and I cover all things business, marketing, and finding your voice to attract clients and make more sales.
I'll also be kicking your ass on a regular basis to get shit done.
It's a concentrated experience designed to get maximum results in the smallest amount of time.
- You've been working on, or are currently working on, your mindset. I only work with women who are self-aware about what they need and already understand the concepts of investing in themselves, abundance mindset and are already active in their business, they just need a safe accountability partner and consultant to help them level up.
-You are a decisive action taker. When we create a plan together, you execute it.
-You show up consistently in your business every day ready to conquer any challenge.
-You excel when you have someone in your corner and love that boot camp/tough (but respectful) love from a coach.
-You perceive yourself as a modern-day warrior, and you do your best work when you have an accountability partner to keep you on track. (Contrary to popular belief, you cannot build a successful business alone)
-You can't handle the truth....in your business....your personal life....your weaknesses (This is not A Few Good Men). I'm here to show up for you and get results. You have to be willing to, at the very least, do the same.
-You don't want to work that hard.
- You can't face your mindset crap. It's hard, that's why only a few succeed in this business world (and in life).
-You have more excuses than solutions. This isn't an offer to babysit your bullshit. If you don't have the self-awareness and courage to call yourself out, then you aren't going to be open to letting me do it for you.
-You wallow in your mistakes, commit to staying stuck in them, and have no foresight into the bigger picture.
-You believe you can build a business by yourself, cut corners, not invest in yourself, and otherwise live comfortably in a scarcity mindset with zero desire to change.
If you're interested in learning more, email me at craftywriter1@gmail.com.