It's not something I'm proud of, but it's something that happens when I make them responsible for my rage.
Fortunately, I have a fabulous solution that I want to share with you today. It's brought me so much peace and I think I can finally call a truce between myself and the broom lying on the floor or the chair in my way.
Last week I berated my clock.
It usually hangs on the wall, but I had to take it down to change the time. When I tried to put it back on the wall, somehow the screw wouldn't fit into the hole.
I have no idea how I got it up there the first place, but I couldn't seem to figure out how to get it back on the wall. Instead of calmly placing it on the floor, going to look for nail and hammer, I screamed at the top of my lungs F**K YOU!!!!!!
I was the only one home so no one was there to witness my toddler tantrum.
When I heard those words leave my mouth I realized that "hey, maybe there's something else going on that I'm upset about."
Wouldn't that be the logical conclusion?
Because in reality the clock itself didn't do anything to me.
I recognize that when I start cursing at objects it's time to set myself down and find out why.
So I thought about what was going on in my life at that time and realized that the way that I was prospecting in my business didn't feel good.
It didn't feel in alignment with the way that I wanted to be present.
I wanted to serve people and help them communicate their message to the world.
I wanted to help them emotionally connect with people and persuade them to do business together.
How I was doing it didn't feel in alignment.
It didn't feel like serving.
It felt like a cold tactic.
As soon as I identified that was the problem, I gave myself permission to give it up.
Instead, I decided to show up in the way that I love to show up.
I decided to just be myself and share my thoughts and advice to others.
I simply shared the skills I used every day to get clients.
Guess what?
It worked.
Immediately, I felt my shoulders relax.
My body released the tension it was carrying and I knew that when I went to sleep that night that I wasn't going to have to worry about a household full of objects waiting for me to fall asleep so they can plot ways to attack me like Toy Story meets Saw.
The longer you spend going back and forth between what you really want to do and what you "think" will make money, instead of just doing what you want to do in the first place, the longer it's going to take you to get to that place of peace.
Skip the self-loathing and resentment.
You either go all in or you quit, but you might as well decide to do what you want to do in the first place and skip the tumultuous roller coaster.
I ended up propping the clock on the wall and securing it with a nail as I whispered a quiet apology under my breath (just in case).
Giving myself permission to follow my desire and lead with showing up authentically gave me a renewed motivation and excitement to show up in my business.
Who struggles with following their desires and doing the things that are "supposed" to make the most money? How do you handle it?
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