Learned something about myself recently....I'm willing to ingest toxic chemicals as long as it smells like pumpkin spice on Thanksgiving morning.
I don't usually think about it that way.
But I think there are times we make decisions that put us in harm.
And because it isn't immediately painful, we don't have a healthy fear of that danger.
Candles aren't usually part of my world. (I tend to worry about burning down the farmhouse I'm still paying on.)
But I want to step into my house smell the clichéd pumpkin spice during the fall.
However, I knew that most wax candles that you buy are made from paraffin wax which has a petroleum byproduct in it.
Really bad stuff.
I've looked everywhere for soy or beeswax candles but of course they're more expensive.
Or the alternative is to making yourself.
So I chose to do that, consulting Pinterest for the most organic ingredients. Coconut oil and food flavoring became the winners.
I mixed it up and put several in small mason jars, put them on candle warmers and waited.
I did orange, lemon and strawberry and they smelled good as long as your nose was right up to the candle.
But when I lit it up there was barely anything.
My ego was deflated at not being able to live out the happy homemaker scenario in my head.
So I got impatient. I kept searching until I wore myself down.
All I wanted was the results.
Next thing I knew I had several different wax melt scents in my grocery cart and on their way home.
Boy they smell great!
In fact, it was a little too overpowering. I only had to heat it up for about 10 minutes before the wax completely melted and then I put it away.
The smell lasted for a couple days afterward.
What did I learn from this?
I'm willing to put myself through a lot of risk just to bring the perceptions in my mind into reality.
How bad you want it determines how much risk you're willing to take.
Not so great when you're talking about petroleum candles, but maybe there's a pretty good business lesson somewhere in there.
What do you think? Am I reaching here? 🙂
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