There are very few things that get me as excited as pilfering through cardboard boxes from stores who are stocking their inventory.
Sometimes I get there super early (5 AM) just to see if they're finished yet and asked them politely if I can take the boxes away.
Did you know that some stores keep their boxes and send them back to the factory? The NERVE!
It used to be easy to get boxes. You could find them everywhere. Now it's really hard.
Most places won't let you go dumpster diving for them anymore.
I like to take the boxes and create cardboard canvases from them for my artwork.
I think I have a pretty great system that looks almost like real canvases.
I 'm not sure how I came up with this idea or why it appeals to me so much.
Is it a a scarcity mindset thing, or a creativity mindset thing, but I love the fact that I can take seeming trash and make it into something beautiful and valuable.
The fact that it's free is like a bonus.
Many times in the past I've made these frames only the let them stock up and take up space never getting to the artwork part.
I do enjoy the cutting and taping and gluing of creating the cardboard canvases and I realized....
Everything I needed to know I learned in kindergarten.
Maybe my addiction sprang from when I was a kid and wanted nothing to do with new Christmas toys, only boxes they came in.
Do you think it is sad that a 42-year-old woman gets great pleasure from box cutting her way through endless amounts of brown cardboard?
I think we should use the resources around us to make something beautiful, even if it's just cardboard boxes.
What business lesson can you find from this?
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Projects start at $2500. If interested in working together, contact me at craftywriter1@gmail.com.