Over the summer, I was killing it every morning on the track. Lost 30 lbs in 8 weeks just walking, keto and intermittent fasting.
But when August came and school was back in session, my morning walks stopped.
When I left my teaching career in October and returned to full-time entrepreneurship, the ONE thing I was tickled about being able to do again was get back on that track.
They locked the gates and no longer allow access. I was SO BUMMED!
So then I hemmed and hawed and went back and forth for months about whether or not to buy a treadmill.
And you know what happened in the meantime?
No walking.
A little more sugar intake was seen on the daily.
And even though I've maintained my weight loss and pants size, I haven't lost anymore weight.
So what's this REALLY about?
I'm starting to put myself last again.
I'm making excuses in my head as to where the money can best go.
Get my kiddo new shoes and clothes.
Christmas gifts.
Car maintenance fees.
Everything's become a priority over my needs.
So you know what?
I just hit "Buy Now" on that Amazon button.
And Santa's going to deliver a modest treadmill to my doorstep with a gargantuan red bow on Monday.
And suddenly I feel like that ideal Marine again.
That Mrs. Smith assassin double-fisting a pair of glocks with a vocabulary in five different languages I'm always striving to be just showed up and she's ready to do some serious laps!
(Okay, so she's 42 now not 25, and dealing with indigestion, fighting with the "People of Walmart" on daily grocery runs and a mild vitamin D3 deficiency, but it's my dream scenario beeches!)
Getting better at identifying what I'm doing and why so I can get back on the "beam" of my life and stay in the zone.
Doesn't take as long as it used to, but I'm also looking to cut my time down to zero so that I'm always on the beam, always focused and always....
It's another 30 lbs loss between now and February or bust!