Remember, this is just a tool but it's a HUGE leg-up!
So you know how you take one of those personality quizzes?
And then you're simultaneously delighted and creeped out because it's eerily accurate?
That's because there's a handful of personality types on this earth and you and I fit mostly into one of them (not entirely but mostly).
So here's what I do:
STEP #1: I learn my personality type. I don't have to create 16 different funnels for all 16 personality types. I just have to get REALLY good at speaking to MY personality type. Now you could choose another type, but if you're starting out, I'd recommend you go with yours. Why? Because you have the life experiences already lived to draw from. I use the website 16 Personalities (Myers-Briggs) to get a breakdown summary of my personality type. It takes you through everything. If you don't know your personality type you can take the free quiz. (Not affiliated with them)
STEP #2: Once I know my type, I collect keywords from the description to help me understand what motivates my personality in the realm of business and life.
STEP #3: Then I ask myself "what's my mission?" What is my goal? As a personality-based direct response copywriter, I want to write sales copy that connects to my audience to let them know that I know how they feel so they know/like/trust me to serve them. The way to do that is to convey using the language that reflects their behavior. For example, if my personality type describes me as a "true idealist," then I'm going to use words that convey that behavior in my copy, whether that's through telling a story or talking about myself. Make sense?
STEP #4: Once you get better at writing copy from this perspective then you'll get better at understanding how to connect with a specific audience who responds to you a lot faster once they truly believe that you "get them." That's when the sales start coming in.
NOTE: You'll have to know the fundamentals of copywriting to understand how the psychological personality profile should be used at its optimum level, but even if you just created content using this approach you're going to get more targets than you will miss. Good luck!