99.999% of business owners view stepping out of the "industry standard" and into their own messaging as career suicide.
In other words, most people are scared scallions to say something in their marketing that might upset a portion of the population.
But here's the problem with that kind of sheep mentality-
- No one knows what you truly stand for and cannot, therefore, notice you even when you try to stand out because you're not really standing out. You're just throwing the same "professional speak" into the dryer along with your white slacks (the ones that say HELLO LABOR DAY!) and a magenta crayon and hoping for the best. What you often get instead is a very expensive but useless pair of magenta-stained heartbreak.
- You're spending thousands (possibly millions) on advertising that does little more than solidify in the consumer's mind that you're just another PC douche vying for the almighty dollar. People want to be inspired. They want to buy from companies that they like and can identify with. They don't want to hand over their cash reluctantly because they see you as the least offensive option. People love to spend their money. They are willing to spend oodles more of it if they felt that what they were buying into was a version of reaffirming their own identity? Do you realize how much easier it would be to sell to them if your company took a bold, unconventional stand on what they believed and then planted that flag in the dirt and stood firm beside it?
But it does require one little thing- STEEL-TOED BALLS.
Because you're going to get blow-back. Backlash. You're going to get that from the conformists who are threatened because they feel a disturbance in their force.
And you need to be okay with that. These were never going to be people who were going to buy from you anyway. You're not looking for their business.
You're trying to draw out the soulmate clients. The ones who quietly nod their heads in agreement as you speak. And that means donning your thick-skin armor, keeping your head down, and sending out a search party rescue mission for the clients who love this about you. Theirs is the only opinion that matters.
Most people don't make it past this point alive. They cave to the pressure and retreat and I'm telling you that's a suicide mission.
You can either stand for your own cause or follow someone else's. YOU. CAN'T. DO. BOTH.
Not successfully anyway and expect the kind of obsessed-crazed fandom community of clients whom you love and who love you back. basically comes down to this- do you have the coconuts to go after who you want? Do you have the flippers big enough to swim against the grain of society?
And when are you going to use them?
If you would like a professional titillation team at your service (a.k.a., me) to help you shock and awe the hell out of your audience, drop me a line. We'll find a shady oak and cop a squat to talk about it. Oh, and just so you know, I'm going to faux pas all over myself here and let you know upfront that my rates begin at $5,000. No awkward pauses. Just in-your-face truth juice.