You know that rage-y, frustrated feeling you get when you want to bust out, scream, raise your fist in the air and shake some sense into your prospects?
But instead, you play the game.
You write the same blah, boring words that every other professional in your industry is doing hoping will attract more clients. And trading your soul in the process.
You daydream of living in a world where you can actually be honest out loud.
You want to be able to say what you really think about what's wrong with the world.
You crave the strength to throw out truth bombs and stand firm against the backlash you're certain to receive.
Why do you think reality shows are a thing?
That's not to say you have to be a drama queen.
But it does mean you need to say something worth paying attention to-- And that's never going to happen when you're writing the same boring copy.
So here's how you piss off, offend, and trigger your way to attracting the biggest client pool you've ever dipped your toes in-
STEP 1: Choose your shiniest pair of steel-toed balls, attach them, and hold on tight. Make sure you know how to use these babies because you’re going to start launching an artillery of truth bombs down on an unsuspecting population of business-as-usual bores and they’re not going to take too kindly to somebody trying to shake up their snoozy little world. In fact, many of them are likely to throw a Millenial-sized adult temper tantrum. Expect and prepare for it. How? See Step 2...
STEP 2: Understand that you aren’t trying to get “Karen” to like you. Quantity is never the goal. You want to dig a deep line in the sand and make it very clear which side you stand on. That happens when you speak openly and honestly about your opinions, what matters to you and how you see things-unapologetically. THE ENTIRE POINT IS TO FORCE PEOPLE TO DECIDE WHICH SIDE THEY’RE ON. Are they for you or against you? If they don’t like what you have to say, LET THEM LEAVE. Don’t explain yourself. Don’t apologize. Clear them out as fast as possible so you can make room for those who LOVE what you have to say. I cannot stress this enough.
STEP 3: Be defiant. Contrarian. A polar opposite, rebellious, in-your-face, tell-it-like-it-is, know-it-all. LET YOUR FREAK FLAG FLY! People don’t follow or pay attention to boring people with nothing to say. They don’t always want you to agree with them. They want to IDENTIFY with you. And in order to stand out and get attention, don’t be afraid to stand out and say the opposite of what everyone else is saying. Just make sure that what you’re saying is because you believe it. Don’t be that douche who’s being contrary for the sake of being contrary.
STEP 4: Don't kiss their ass- spank it. You want clients to respect you? To trust you enough to hand over their dolla bills? Then be the leader they want you to be. Don’t kiss their ass or tell them what they want to hear. Tell them what they NEED to hear even if it means you piss them off. Your soulmate clients want to know the truth. They’ll be attracted to your brutal honesty. Be sure that you wield this power carefully and hold it in reverence. Don’t abuse your position for a power trip. Always act in their best interest before you spank that bootay!
STEP 5: Tell them where they can go. Give them the rules and tell them where they can go to work with you. Do not EVER be wishy-washy in this area. Lead them. Tell them what they need to do next AND let them know that they’re not automatically allowed access to you. Have a set of standards they should meet to ensure you are only admitting dream clients into your inner circle.
Remember, being a true leader means you will face backlash, criticism, and judgment. You’re going to have to have an accountability army behind you to keep your strength and resolve in place. Only those who can stand strong against the sheepish mob mentality will persevere. So think about whether or not you have what it takes. And when you do? Unleash hellfire and never stop!