Ever stop and think about why you procrastinate? Why can't you just do the “thing” and get it over with?

Why do you spend every single day justifying your reasons for not…

Writing the check to get the utilities man off your back until the last possible moment (even though you have the money in the bank).

Send that email that could get you a client who pulls in mortgage money in that final hour.

Driving your toosh to the gym so you can check it off your daily habit tracker list and feel decent about yourself.

Why are you procrastinating when you KNOW you’re going to beat yourself up for not being the person you want to be?

Breaking promises to yourself over and over again.

I’ll do it tomorrow.
The timing isn’t right.
I still have time.
I can’t do anything until he does his part.

Ever stop and ask yourself why you voluntarily fail yourself like this?

Let's get something clear right up front. It has nothing to do with you being lazy.

It has nothing to do with your inability to get organized or prepared.

It isn't that your house is a mess or your mind is in shambles.

There's nothing wrong with you. You don't need to get your act together. The chaos that swirls around you? The one you think is a major flaw?

What if that was actually your greatest strength? What if when harnessed, it's the single most important factor that allows you to achieve greatness?

It's what lets you...

Fulfill promises to yourself.
Show up for your children.
Take control of your finances.
Master your discipline to allow you to achieve.

So, understand that it's time to stop beating yourself up.

It's time to stop accepting so much blame at the detriment of your self-esteem.

Embrace the chaos and let it violently swirl around you.

Let it off its leash and run like a wild stallion to do whatever it wants.

Sit back and enjoy the adrenaline of your life.

BUT there's something you need to know, specifically about procrastinating--

About resisting the uncomfortable.

About yourself and why you can't seem to muster up the energy to force yourself to follow through.

There is a very specific reason for this--

You haven’t honored what your soul knows is most important. That's it.

Your soul knows who you are. It knows what's best for you and it knows what you need to get done. It's ready to do it, and it's not going to settle for allowing you to get out of it.

It's sitting there on the starting line…
Butt in the air…
Waiting for the gun to go off…
So that you can do what you were meant to do.

And your soul will stay there regardless of how long it takes in order to align itself with the truth of WHO YOU ARE.

But it's not just a matter that it wants to do these things.
It's that that's what your soul was created to do.

It won't let you get away with short-changing your own life on this Earth.

You have to resign yourself that the non-negotiable in your life is to follow your soul work to do what matters most.

Interestingly enough, when you finally discover your soul work, it’s easy to recognize those things that never really mattered at all.

This is because when you engage in true soul work, everything else dims by comparison.

So your job is to honor your soul’s work. It's to listen to what it's telling you and do it without question.

It's to channel that as a priority, so that you don't spend your time on this Earth doing the things that don't matter and not serving others.

But be warned, your brain is going to tell you that you have a thousand other things that you need to do first. It's going to try to distract you from your higher purpose.

Your brain’s primary job is to keep you alive and protect you from anything that could harm you physically or mentally.

It doesn't know the difference between a rational fear and an irrational fear, and so it will always try to keep you from pursuing those things that are even the slightest bit scary.

Of course it feels scary to do the work that your soul was meant to do because very often it doesn't line up with society's expectations for you.

But if you spend your life measuring up to society, you're going to be very let down once you realize that it's all an illusion.

Listen to your soul.

Jump in with two feet and embrace it. Do the work go for it. Condition yourself to get up in the morning and do those things first.

And the best thing about this?

You can't screw up your soul work. Your brain will tell you otherwise, but you can't.

The only way you can screw it up as by not embracing it. You'll sink into a cesspool of resentment.

All as a result of not saying yes to your soul work.

That's the entire point.

Save yourself some time and irritation and just do it. Listen to what your soul needs, what it's telling you to do and then DO IT.

Because the world needs the soul work you were meant to do.