You may be a wonderful person.
You may even be bestie material.
But you are doing it WRONG.
See, we don’t give a flying monkey flip about your products.
We don’t want to sign up for your “party” that requires us to haul our personal group of friends in front of the firing squad dressed up as your pitch.
We don’t want to be told “it will be such a blessing for ME and MY family,” because (and being brutally honest here…) we don’t care about YOUR family. We care about our own.
Oh no, we won’t say this to your face…
Because we don’t want to hurt your feelings.
But we also won’t be awkwardly cornered and asked to join your “opportunity.”
The way you’re going about this is all wrong.
And if we didn’t care, we wouldn’t be telling you now.
You can’t expect to make money trying to convince someone why they need to help YOU.
People are inherently selfish. They want to know what’s in it for THEM.
Know why this is great news?
Because all you have to do is find out what they really need and then GIVE IT TO THEM!
Solve their problem.
Answer their question.
And then give some more.
Do THAT and you’ll have more money than you know what to do with.