It’s Easy to Freak the Hell Out Right Now But There’s Actually Money All Around You (Here’s How to Get Some)
Last week I found myself in scary, uncharted territory. The kind that makes you question how sane you are (or if you ever were to begin with). The kind of terrifying panic that…
Procrastinate Your Soul Work And Die A Slow, Mediocre Spiritual Death
Ever stop and think about why you procrastinate? Why can't you just do the “thing” and get it over with? Why do you spend every single day justifying your reasons for not… Writing…
Dear Network Marketer…
You may be a wonderful person. You may even be bestie material. But you are doing it WRONG. See, we don’t give a flying monkey flip about your products. We don’t want to…
Need Someone to Hold You Accountable?
Someone who "gets" it and leads by example? Join here: http://eepurl.com/dA-wgD ....and you'll get the brutal truth, ugly details, and come-to-Jesus gut checks in my closed Facebook accountability group where we'll be deconstructing what's…