What Separates the 1% From Everybody Else
I was talking to a new Marine the other night at a football game. He was 18 years old and fresh out of boot camp. He wanted to talk to me because he…
🧔 CHUCK NORRIS YOUR COPY (1980’s Flaming Copper Mullet & Ammo Sold Separately)💪💪💪
Okay, so you’re no Chuck Norris. You’ve never picked oranges from an apple tree...and made the best lemonade you’ve ever tasted.🍊🍋🍎 You’ve never caught all the Pokemon from a landline. ☎ You’ve never…
More Information is NOT What You Need (Here’s What You Do Need)- EMAIL SAMPLE
The number one reason women fail in business is because they paralyze themselves in an abyss of “information.” They get stuck in the feeling of needing to know more, instead of taking action…
Sample Page
This is an example page. It's different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with…
Pregnancy Facebook Ad
PREGNANT MAMA- THIS JOURNEY IS THE DEFINING MOMENT OF THE HUMAN EXPERIENCE Not just for baby but for his mother. His mother who is the… Giver of life. Protector. Sanctuary.…
Health & Fitness Pregnancy Facebook Ad
Hey pregnant mama…. DESTINED TO CARRY THE FLESHY BELLY APRON, SAGGING TRICEPS AND DOUBLE CHIN OF POST-PREGNANCY? At least that’s what everybody assumes will happen when you get pregnant. And those babies…
Online Course Facebook Ad
Facebook Ad Copy Sample- Online Course The kids may be out of the house, but that full-time job is still requiring eight hours of daily life suckage in order to pay for…
Nutrition Facebook Ad
Facebook Ad Copy Sample - Nutrition Supplement CHILDREN ARE BEING POISONED BY A WELL-KNOWN INGREDIENT THAT WE’RE ALL EATING EVERYDAY! And no one is doing anything about it. I remember the exact moment…