Need Someone to Hold You Accountable?
Someone who "gets" it and leads by example? Join here: http://eepurl.com/dA-wgD ....and you'll get the brutal truth, ugly details, and come-to-Jesus gut checks in my closed Facebook accountability group where we'll be deconstructing what's…
One Day You Wake Up To Find That Life Has Happened TO You (And Without Your Consent)
A few days ago I was feeling pretty great about riding a winning streak of getting all my to-do items checked off my list. And it got me thinking about how empowered I…
This is a Triple Dog Dare to Stand Out and Get Noticed.
To step forward. To be seen & admired for who you truly are in a way that feels good. And to wear that striking mini, because who doesn’t love to strut her stuff…
Sometimes…it’s just not okay.
And despite all who are saying it will be, you're not so sure. Here’s what you DO know… You caught the split second look of disappointment on your husband’s face before he had…
“I wish I knew then what I know now.”
That plummeting feeling in your gut as you were about to go farther than you wanted to with him because you were afraid you’d lose him if you didn’t. That look of loss…